Management Philosophy

Contribute to the entire employees’ happiness and greater happiness in humanity and society through evolution and development

Contribute to the entire employees’ happiness and greater happiness in humanity and society through evolution and development

행복 도전 신뢰
  • Happiness
    Make a happy and pleasant workplace as a proud member of MOS. Feel worth thru. Work and achievement to seek individual and social happiness.
  • Trust
    Gain deep trust by creating best product and service touching customers’ minds thru. MOS-wide cooperation.
  • Challenge
    Build innovative corporate culture for a world-class company based on MOS-wide enthusiasm and creativity.


GLOBAL No.1 기업 “신뢰를 기반으로 전 직원이 회사의 주인이 되어 고객의 기대와 욕구를 만족시켜 고객이 찾아오도록 앞서나가는 기업”